From the Rectory - Easter 2



The sky is grey, but for how long? This morning has seen blue sky and sunshine drift seamlessly into grey and back on a recurring loop. ‘Variable’ could be the best weather description. It is certainly not the day to go far without a coat, nor to leave the washing outside unattended. It is, simply, a day to be prepared.

Last Sunday was Easter Day and, whatever your celebrations were like, we have no excuse for not being prepared. Easter is a movable feast; dependent on the Ecclesiastical Lunar calendar. Complex though this may be, the dates are published well in advance; we know, or can check, when it will happen (April 20th for 2025 if you are interested). We know, but Jesus’ first followers didn’t. Our Easter morning Gospel (John 20: 1-18) showed a distraught Mary Magdalene and some very puzzled disciples at the empty tomb. This Sunday, we have St John’s account of Jesus’ first appearance to his male followers (John 20:19 et seq) in the upper room later that day. Next week, we have St Luke’s account of the same evening (Luke 24:36 et seq). From these and other gospel accounts we can see that, despite all that Jesus told them before his arrest, both his execution and subsequent resurrection came as a total surprise. This was so far beyond their comprehension, they were not prepared.

The surprises don’t stop there. Think of Peter, called to witness to the Roman Centurion, Cornelius (Acts 10) or Saul (Paul) encountering the risen Jesus on the Damascus Road. God, through Isaiah, once said I do a new thing …. Do you not perceive it (Is 43:19). God, as Jesus once said, is the God of the living (Mark 12:27) and living means change. Although many, perhaps most of the changes we face are predictable; he remains a God of surprises too.

Looking out the study window once more I see that the grey sky has cleared and the sun has returned but I still won’t stray far today without a coat. Last Sunday was Easter, the Day of Resurrection. I was, just about, prepared to celebrate that day. However, if God calls me to a new thing, will I be able to perceive it? And what if he calls you?

Rev’d Philip Easter 2