Acts 4 Others

Would you consider donating to help others in greater need.
Or some of your Winter Fuel Allowance Grant?
Are you aware of people with needs?

St Mark’s compassion project and fund, inspired by Acts chapter 4, seeks to connect available resources with unmet needs across the whole parish. For example, some may not need all their winter fuel allowance but others will need extra help. To contribute towards the fund please visit either church and place an envelope in the church collection box marking your donation "Acts4Others" or "Discretionary Fund". Or visit our donations page here. We expect the project to extend to sharing goods, warm spaces and many other things not yet imagined.

Please do tell us any needs you know of from within or outside church.

All financial grants will be distributed through our existing Vicar’s Discretionary Fund. Thank you for your support.

Acts 4:32 ‘they shared everything they had’.