Wacton community patchwork quilt challenge

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Members of Wacton church are calling on the community to get creative by making quilt patches to create a large community patchwork quilt to be displayed permanently in the church, and to be part of a quilt exhibition to be held there later in the year.

Whether craft is something you do or not, whatever your age, whether you are male or female, have lived in or around Wacton for a long time or just arrived, part of a group or an individual, please put your creativity to work by making a 9 inch square ( leaving a half inch border all round free of decoration for assembling) of knitting, crochet, quilting, appliqué, fabric painting, embroidery, stitching etc, which we will then assemble together.

The aim is for the quilt to be a snapshot of life in and around Wacton now or during lockdown, and in the year of the Queen’s Jubilee; anything that tells a story or speaks to you of our village. It could be the village sign, the speed cameras, a footpath sign, clapping for the NHS, absolutely anything you can think of! 

People have often sought to reuse treasured pieces of cloth (children’s outgrown clothing etc) for recycling, patching and repurposing. What could be more environmentally friendly?

The roots of patchwork and quilting lie tangled in threads back in the mists of time. Born of thrift and necessity and the desire to celebrate life and imbued with personal memories.

If you’d like to have a go please contact Angie Baldwin for further information and/or a group session to start you off. There’s plenty of help available and we’re not looking for masterpieces. Just give it a go.