Ding Dong Merrily on High! Welcoming the bells back


After the return of the bells in August with Simon Adams of John Taylor Bell Foundry, Nick Cooper-Tomkins of Dore Abbey and Jerry Davies of Longtown putting in another hard day’s work to get them back up and ringing, we had a wonderful day on the 10th September despite a very badly timed rainshower, all went well and about 70 of us were there to hear the Bishop speak and bless the bells, hear from our three bellhangers, enjoy the world premiere of Rob Peate’s special organ composition for the event, the ringing of the bells by everyone who wanted a go, plenty of wine and refreshments and some more wonderful music from the Forget Me Nots trio. Watch out for some more music next year…

A million thanks to the local team who made the day such a success – Fran and Cedric for sterling work on the spring clean and refresh of the whole church, Joyce for the flowers, brass cleaning and arranging parking, Kate for tackling the porch, Rachel for organising catering, Fran Cedric and Sue for bringing the all-important gazebos, Angie for organising us all so beautifully, Rhiannon and Alison for their contributions to the service, Dick for the bells exhibition and directing the traffic/ parking. And to every one else who came and helped on the day. So sorry that some old friends were not able to make it, but there will be other opportunities!

And of course, not forgetting behind the scenes the donors and grant givers, advisors and contractors, who made it all possible. How lucky we are!