Foodbank Request for Christmas 2019

Once again Pershore Foodbank plan to give Christmas Hampers and Children's chocolate bags to people in Pershore and the surrounding villages who for whatever reason find themselves in difficulties.

As in previous years we plan to start giving these out from the beginning of December. We have a lovely team of volunteers who are primed to help make up hampers in late November. I know it seems an odd request but could you encourage your churches/schools to have your, no doubt generous donations, by the middle of December at the latest otherwise our volunteer team simply struggle to cope.

They have requested the following items:

Christmas Cakes, Biscuits, Sweets and Chocolates, Tinned Ham & Salmon, Christmas puddings, Chocolate money, Tinned Custard, Mince Pies and any other Christmas treats that may be donated.

We have a box in our porch into which you can place your donations.  this is emptied regularly and taken to the foodbank.

Thank you as always for your generosity.