Morning Worship (CW)

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Martin of Tours
Church Street West Coker Wells, BA229DB, United Kingdom

Lay Led Service

St Martin of Tours

Most of St Martin’s, as you see it today is from the Victorian rebuild in 1862/1864, but one or two areas date from the 14th or 15th century, The Lady Chapel, which occupies the north east corner and the stair turret for the tower. This tower also contains 2 very rare lancet windows glazed with horn.

St Martin’s is open for visitors or private prayer every day.

Get in touch

Mrs Sue Bonning

Teal House
East Street
West Coker

BA22 9BG
01935 862351
Mick Collins - Church Warden
01935 863129

Our website

What's on

Morning Worship (CW)

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Martin of Tours
Church Street West Coker Wells, BA229DB, United Kingdom

Lay Led Service


Safeguarding Policy for The Coker Ridge Benefice,
South Somerset.

Our statement outlines The Coker Ridge Benefice’s commitments to the safeguarding of ALL church members, visitors and contractors including children, young people and adults at risk, protecting them from potential neglect, physical, sexual and emotional harm.

All adults involved in our Benefice churches are responsible for putting the safeguarding code at the centre of all planning and should follow the clear reporting process when they suspect or are aware of a safeguarding incident or concern.

We will, as members of the Ridgeway Benefice:
*treat everyone equally and with respect
*encourage young people to speak up and be listened to
*report all suspicions, concerns or allegations immediately
*respect our positions of trust as part of a congregation and community.

Should a person wish to speak about a concern or abuse they have suffered or experienced they should be given the time and have their words heard in a calm environment if appropriate.

The Ridgeway Benefice now follows a process that we, ‘as a Benefice delegate this responsibility to the Diocese, given that for serious cases they would already be involved’.

*The person listening to the affronted person, will then need to make a decision on the severity of the concern he / she has spoken of and then make a choice on how best to proceed.
The outcomes of every concern will be different.
*Does the person involved simply need a quiet social chat on a 1:1?
*If the person expresses stories about the following:
Potential neglect, physical, sexual and emotional harm, self neglect, financial / domestic abuse, hate crime, captivity, forced labour, cyber bullying / social media bullying, then the person listening needs to:-
*Accept and take seriously what is being said without displaying shock or disbelief.
*Let the person tell their story and don’t push for information or ask leading questions.
*Do not interrogate or decide they are telling the truth.
*Be alert to signs or symptoms of abuse.
*Reassure the person that they have taken the right step in sharing this information and they are not to blame.
*Be honest: never make promises to keep what you are being told in confidence. If abuse is involved, as a listener you will need to tell someone.
*Tell them what you will do with the information they have shared and that they will be kept informed.
*Do not introduce personal information from either your own experience or that of others.
*Do not investigate the matter any further after listening to the person or approach the person about whom allegations may have been made.
Write down concisely, exactly what is said or heard and make clear where you have added your views/comments or interpretation. This information needs to be passed onto the Benefice Safeguarding Lead. Be mindful that your written comments may be needed in the event that further legal /disciplinary action is taken.
The 4 W’s will help:-
*WHO was involved? Name the key people.
*WHAT happened? Facts not opinions
*WHEN did it happen? Date / Time
*WHO have you referred the issue to?

*Pass the information on verbally if it is an emergency situation.
*Write the story of events down later and give/send to the relevant person/s listed below.
*Pass the information to the Benefice Safeguarding Lead or Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor at Bath and Wells within 24 hours as outlined on the Benefice Safeguarding poster.
The Social Services and / or the Police will need to be informed and WILL TAKE OVER THE CASE.
*Children’s Social Care, Somerset County Council
Tel: 0300 123 2224
Tel: 101 or 999
[101- for situations that do not require an immediate response]
*Benefice Safeguarding Lead – Mick Collins Tel: 01935 863129 and Sue Phillips Tel: 01935 862866

*The Benefice Safeguarding Lead must then be informed [if not directly involved from the onset] in order to help present the case if required [verbal and/or written] to the Police / Social Services / Diocese with, or on behalf of the person who heard the case of concern.
Safeguarding Policy adopted by The Coker Ridge Benefice.

St Martin of Tours Charity No. 1184593