What's On

Sunday 10am services

Please join us for coffee, tea or squash in the church hall after the service.

8am Communion service every Sunday.

Coffee mornings - Every Tuesday, from 10am in the church hall. All are welcome.

Morning Prayer (a short reflective service) - Every Tuesday, 9.30am.

4 February: Repair Cafe, church hall, 2 -3.30pm.

4 February: Church @ 5, 5pm.

14 February: Ash Wednesday Holy Communion, 7.30pm.

15 February: Quiet Day - Morning Prayer 10.30am, followed by Guided Reflection and Quiet Time; Midday prayer 12.30, followed by lunch break; Guided Reflection 2pm, followed by Quiet time; Quiet Celtic Holy Communion, 3.30.

22 February: Lent course begins for five weeks in the church hall. Thursday mornings, 10am, and then evening sessions on Zoom, 7.30pm.

28 March: Maundy Thursday, supper, 5.30pm. Stripping of the altar, 7.30pm.

29 March: Good Friday,Easter Garden, 10am, Stations of the Cross 1pm, Last Hour at the Cross, 2pm.

30 March: Easter Vigil and Watch, 9pm - 12midnight.

21 April: Annual Parochial Church Meeting, church hall, following the 10am service.

6 June: D-Day 80th anniversary celebration and afternoon tea at the church hall. Who has memories to recall of those times?

27 July: Tower Tours and Teas, 2 - 5pm