Holy Week Services 2019

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This year's Holy Week will reflect on the theme of the Beatitudes, picking up on the Church of England's Pilgrim Journey which we have been promoting and following.  All are most welcome at any of the services during this Great Week.  The leaflet is available as a pdf below, and all services are highlighted on this website.

The main services are as follows:

Palm Sunday, 14 April: Mass 8.00am; Liturgy of Palm Sunday 10.30 am; Chrism Mass 6.00 pm

Monday 15 April: Mass and Address 7.00 pm

Tuesday 16 April: Mass and Address 7.00 pm

Wednesday 17 April: Mass and Address 9.30 am; Mass with the Sacrament of Healing 7.00 pm

Maundy Thursday, 18 April: Liturgy of the Last Supper 8.00 pm

Good Friday, 19 April: Messy Church 9.30 am; Meditations on the Passion 12.00 noon; Liturgy of Good Friday 1.30pm

Holy Saturday, 20 April: Easter Vigil with Baptism and Confirmation 8.00 pm

Easter Day, 21 April: Mass 8.00 am; Sung Mass and Baptism 10.30 am