Eco Church award for All Saints


Eco ♻️ Award: All Saints’ church has been confirmed as the recipient of the A Rocha Eco Church Bronze award 🥉after the work done on the churchyard. 👍 A plaque for display in church is on its way to us, and of course we are continuing to make plans to achieve the silver 🥈award, and indeed in good time the gold 🥇award. Our aim is to make All Saints’ into a beacon church in our community for environmentally friendly activity and provide opportunities for all people to engage in and learn about caring for God’s creation. A big thank you especially to the working party that did so much in the church garden. Watch this space for our next working party shortly!

Our next phase will involve looking at and implementing ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint at All Saints, including things like car sharing for journeys to and from church (could you offer a regular lift to another member of the family??) Check out the attached CofE checklist (see attached). Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with all of us in the All Saints’ family. We have never been more conscious of the need to reduce our impact on the planet – everyone can do their bit, and the time for us is NOW!

Share your thoughts via email to [email protected]