February 2019

At the start of February we leave the Epiphany season and begin the journey into Lent.

I do hope you all received the Parish Christmas Card. It contains the text – ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus’.

Prayer allows us to share, with the God who was baptised in the Jordan; The God who transformed water to wine; our deepest feelings; anxieties; joys and challenges and know that He wants to be there with us. Sounds relatively straight forward! But for many of us, praying can be a challenge.

On the 24th January, some members of the parish family attended a workshop at Blackburn Cathedral on the subject of prayer. Canon Rowena Pailing, The Canon Missioner, gently and graciously shared some thoughts on praying and prayer spaces. It was so encouraging to hear Rowena say, “None of us know how to pray!" She gave us much food for thought which we will share with the parish family over the coming months. This will be supported by the Lent Course I propose to lead which is to be based on The Lord’s Prayer. Again further details next month.

So dear friends, may we harness the joy of the Christ Child; recognise that He both yearns to share our tribulations and to respond when we ‘run out’ and seek His help. 

With Much Love, 
