March 2019 Lent at Brindle St. James'

During Lent we explore some of the Bible’s most beloved texts - the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus Christ gave the most beautiful and powerful talk: the Sermon on the Mount. These words have shaped history and changed many people’s lives. Right at the beginning are eight short sayings which all begin with the word ‘Blessed’.

At Brindle St. James’ church we feel blessed in so many ways. During Lent we have the opportunity to share our blessings with others. We are invited to put a small item in a box each day to share with families that are less fortunate than ourselves. Our lunch on Sunday 10th March in Brindle Community Hall we will ask for donations of cash for the Foxton Centre working with the homeless to fight hunger locally within our community. 

A five week Lent series based on the Lord’s Prayer is to be held each Wednesday in Lent starting on 13th March. If you are interested, please meet in church at 7.30pm for approximately 1 hour. All welcome. And on Saturday 30th March, 9.30am to 1pm is Pathway to Prayer at Whalley Abbey with Bishop Philip. Workshops include Praying with Poetry, Praying with Children, Contemplative Prayer, Lectio Divina. Places can be booked via the Eventbrite booking links available through