Sunday 12th July 2020

Latest_notices_12th_July_2020.pdf Download

Please email for joining instructions to worship together. You can Get in Touch or email via the church website. After a bit of housekeeping time at 10.30am, the service will be recorded.

If you can't zoom in, please join in worship from about 11:55am via the YouTube channel. The team have prepared, rehearsed, and are ready to record and post online to get the service to YouTube as quickly as possible. 

The service sheet for today is here

The notices today are here.

If you know of anyone who doesn’t have a computer, internet access or is self-isolating, then please do also get in touch. We can arrange to deliver a service sheet, make a phone call, point them in the direction of radio services or provide a DVD.

Can I also draw your attention to additional notices..................

Details of the planned reopening of church for public worship.

The church will be open for private prayer on Tuesday 10am to 12 noon. There is just the one opening this week.

Next Sunday 19th July, we are planning to return to worship in church. We will hold a 10.30am and 6.30pm service that day and a further service on Wednesday 22nd July at 6.30pm. We are only able to provide signatures for faith school applications at the 6.30pm service on Sunday.

I have invited the parents and guardians of children who are currently in year 3, 4 and 5, together with parents and guardians with a child who will be applying for admission to faith primary schools staring in September 2021, to attend a meeting in church tomorrow, Monday at 7.30pm.

This week, all who are on our contact data base will receive an email inviting a choice of the services you would like to attend. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes.

For those who are unable to attend the services in church – and your reasons are fully respected - we are hoping to live stream the service. Again, details will be provided.