April 2019 Easter at Brindle St. James'

Uncertainty can be a real challenge to us. There is uncertainty regarding the future of our country. There are several of our flock who are facing uncertainty due to ill health and awaiting results of tests. There are those who are receiving treatments. For some, family life seems uncertain. For some, the events of the first Easter can leave a sense of uncertainty. How can someone be nailed to across and left to die, placed in a tomb with a huge stone across the opening, then appear three days later - alive - speaking and walking? Uncertainty and scepticism are a reasonable response to the story. If we attempt to explain how and why, then we really do encourage uncertainty as to the truth and validity of the claim. We just have the account of Mary Magdalene and Peter, followed by accurate and consistent accounts of the appearance of the Risen Lord Jesus. So, it is by faith that we are invited to remove uncertainty. By faith in the God who created us, sustains and guides us. The God whose love for you and I is beyond comprehension. In amongst the anxiety and uncertainty of our national and personal loves, may we 'Cling to the Old Rugged Cross' from which flows the absolute certainty of God's love for us. A Blessed Easter to you all, David.