A message from Becky... 2nd June

Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsWhat a glorious week of weather - quite extraordinary to have a sunny bank holiday, and then for half term to be dry and warm.We are still in the season that is "out of the ordinary" in this space between Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. This is the time of year when vergers around the country are swapping colours of altar cloths like crazy, reflecting each of the seasons and festivals!There is a richness to our liturgy in these weeks, additional phrases in the Eucharistic prayer, collects that connect the life of the church with the life of the world, hymns and worship songs that only really come out in this short window of time, frills on the servers white robes ... so much that speaks of something extraordinary. The stories we hear each week are old, familiar, well known - those last days of Jesus human life, and the last visions of his resurrected body, the gift of the Holy Spirit being given to the whole people of God - even in the familiarity we are hearing extra-ordinary stories. And this week, the simple yet complicated notion that God is both one and three, as Father Son and Holy Spirit. It's a rite of passage to preach on the Trinity, and Chris is going to do that for us this week!I wonder how we will retain the idea of an extra-ordinary life such as we are called to live? The call to live differently, to act differently, because we follow an extra-ordinary man as seen in the life of Jesus? We can't do this alone - being grounded in our faith in God, recipients of his love, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and built and up encouraged by being members of a set apart body, that is the Church, that is the body of Christ.So my invitation for this week is to embrace the extra-ordinary invitation as we go about our ordinary and everyday lives. What difference does it make to the way you live your life, that you are Christian? How are you aware that you live differently, act differently, speak differently because of the extra-ordinary man you follow?Let's explore this together as this beautiful body of Christ that is every member of St Martin's church, whichever community you worship amongst, whichever congregation you regularly attend.This weekend, we gather at 8.30am for our traditional Holy Communion service, then at 10.30am for our High Eucharist with Sunday Spirit for the younger members of the family.You are invited, it would be lovely to see you, and we miss you when you're not there.With every blessingBecky