A message from Becky... 7th July

Notices From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsI wonder how easy you find it to stop and be still? To take in the moment, to be fully present, and be intentional in "noticing"?Typically in my life I have found this hard, particularly in my early career which involved lots of travel, meetings, devising and running training programmes, recruiting countless people for jobs ... even as I write this, I notice the tension in my shoulders as I remember the rush and pressure.I think I was often searching for the "next thing", and of course this continued when we had a young family, and I empathise so much with those juggling school runs, work, after school clubs, fundraisers, last minute costume requirements for dressing up days at school and the rest!I also know that "busy-ness" can become a force in its own right, and the energy that comes with this is not always healthy.I think we have to be intentional about stopping and noticing what is happening in the present, for this is where we will notice what God is already doing, without us striving and searching.This has been a week of wonderful experiences, with the ordination services at the weekend at the cathedral, where it was so good to be amongst so many people in an atmosphere of celebration, holiness, intimacy and corporate belonging. We are so delighted that Phil is with us, and you will get to know him well over the coming days, weeks and months. Do please introduce yourself to him and Abby, they are part of our church family. Phil will be helping at the Summer Fair on Saturday, and I hope you'll be able to come along to join in the festivities.I also notice an air of expectation within our church. We had a great PCC meeting where we are trying to discern our values as a church, and it was so good to stop and reflect together on what we feel St Martin's is really about as a church community. We have an exciting sermon series coming up about the building blocks of faith, with activities each week to do together as well as at home. It will be good to participate in this, to notice where others are on their journeys, to get to know each other at a deeper level - more information to come, and you are invited to be part of all of it.In the meantime, I wonder where you will be able to stop and notice what is going on around and within you? In our worship on Sunday we will hear the words of Jesus when he said "Come to me all who are burdened or heavy laden, and I will give you rest" - what will it be like for you to rest in God's presence, even if just for a moment? Perhaps even now, as you read this, you can take a pause to just be still, take some deep breaths, and be aware of the Holy Spirit with you.So we gather at 8.30am for our traditional Holy Communion service, where Phil will be preaching, and then at 10.30am where Phil and I will lead café church .. and the amazing breakfast team will be preparing bacon rolls, veggie sausages, and pastries. You are invited.God blessBecky