A message from Becky... 14th July

Notices From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsI hope this finds you well, in whatever you have been doing this week.In the "life of a vicar" it's been a full one - school assemblies, a funeral, a wedding, lots of emails and planning, a number of one to one conversations, and of course, prayer.Part of the role of being the vicar is to pray every day for the parish, in what we call the "Daily Office". Being so up to date with technology (!) I use an app on my phone which very helpfully gives the liturgy and readings for the day.Invariably those readings have something to say that ring true throughout the day, and this week was no exception. Over the course of reading St Paul for a couple of days I read the phrase "being the aroma of Christ", and "we are a letter of Christ, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God". Both of these speak of our being, our presence, how we live our lives, that are not about our actions or our words, but are all about what we say, when we say nothing at all.I wonder if others would sense the aroma of Christ around you? I wonder if your life would be read as a "letter of Christ"? Because whilst I started this with news of the "life of a vicar" the reality is that St Paul is calling each of us as followers of Jesus Christ, as people of faith, to live differently, act differently, even just be different, because we follow Jesus, because we're disciples.So my invitation for you is to be intentional about what you say when you say nothing at all, and how that reflects, or reveals, or resonates, with your faith, your belief, your invitation to be a letter of Christ, written not in ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God. Last week we spoke on Sunday morning about being invited to say yes to Jesus, and this week we're going to go a bit deeper on what it is we're saying yes to - how do we know, how do we receive, and how do we reflect this to others.We're meeting to worship at 8.30am for our traditional Holy Communion service, and then at 10.30am for our Sung Eucharist, with our children's group "Sunday Spirit". It would be lovely to see you, you are invited.God blessBecky