A message from Becky... 20th October

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dearest friendsOur Harvest theme has continued this week, following our wonderful services on Sunday, with visits to Southlands and to Knowle Park school, sharing thoughts about Harvest provision, and what it is to give, if we believe there is more than enough to share.I noticed across the board that people had been as generous as they were able to be, with the gifts given to the various food banks. It's also obvious that this is a stretch for many. Perhaps this year, more than ever, we are reminded of the hidden gifts, the ones that don't cost any money, but which can make such a difference to lives. This echoes with the message from last week, in which I spoke about those behaviours, choices and decisions that would impact those around us, and the Harvest we would long to reap.The children sang a beautiful song at their school assembly with the line "share what you have, with people around, and life gets better" - and this is so powerfully true.The weekly cafe, launching at the start of November, will also be, we hope, a hidden treasure for our community, with space to be together, share company, and share food. We don't want it to be too hidden though! So please let people know this is happening, come along, invite someone to come with you, take a flyer from church to pass to anyone you know who may benefit - let's aim to give space for life to "feel a bit better" as the children sang this week.This week we are being challenged deeply to think about those things we prioritise, that we rely on, that we might "idolise", and it would be so good to go deeper with you during our acts of worship (where the heating will be on!) - 8.30am Holy Communion, and 10.30am All together communion where we gather as a whole family. You're invited.With every blessing, as everBecky