A message from Rev Becky Waring... 8th May


Dear friends

As communities gather today to celebrate as best we can the 75th Anniversary of VE day, I give such thanks for the time when love, rather than hate, and peace, rather than war, became the story for our country. There were so many lessons learned by that generation, for whom we are so thankful. I pray that your day today will be blessed, in whatever way you are marking the bank holiday.

It feels as though we are on the cusp of what will be 'new' for this generation. Whilst we can't know what the announcement will be on the weekend regarding lifting of restrictions, it is clear that whatever 'normal' was is unlikely to be. From the many blessed conversations I've been able to have with some of you, it seems we are all learning some lessons from this experience. Whether it's readjusting priorities, embracing a slower rhythm, appreciating our loved ones, valuing stillness, even discovering a deeper way of prayer, God is powerfully at work within us, around us, and perhaps even in spite of us!

We seem to be discovering depths of creativity and resilience, patience and grace.

For our families it's as if you've gone through the whole of the summer holidays without being able to have holiday, or go on day trips, or even have the variety that makes that long summer break more enjoyable. I so admire you for all that you are managing to do and continue to send my love and prayers.

Finding ways to connect, to pray together, to reflect together will continue to be important. We will continue to offer streamed worship, prayer and reflection and as I've said previously, there is an additional wealth of resource available, for you to find what will meet your need at this present time.

In Monday's email, I'll ask some questions about what else might be helpful to you as we discern this next season, pending of course any directives we're given about greater use of our beautiful space.

In the meantime, I would love you to send me, by email, a photograph of the people in your household. This is for two reasons: firstly so that I can visualise you as I pray and lead worship, and secondly, for a project I am tentatively trying to create which may end up on social media. When you send your photograph to me, please make it clear if you do not want the image shared in a public space. So please take a photo on your phone, if you are able, and send it to me.

As always, sisters and brothers in Christ, I pray for you and long for the day when we will gather again.

God bless


Rev Becky Waring

Vicar St Martins Knowle

Area Dean Bristol South