A message from Nicola... 17th February

Lent From_the_Vicar

Dear Friends at St Martin’s,

I’m very much looking forward to being with you again on Sunday! The last time I was at St Martin’s was in early September at the start of autumn and this week it’s felt at last as though winter is almost over and spring is finally on its way. In the Church’s year spring coincides with Lent, and sure enough Ash Wednesday – marking the start of Lent - is only a few days away. Lent is our time of preparation for Easter and the best way to start keeping a holy Lent and so be prepared for the celebrations at Easter, is to attend a service on Ash Wednesday and hear the sobering words, ‘Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ.’ This is the day in the year when all Christians are urged to make time to repent of the sins which separate us from God.

Many of us choose to mark Lent by giving something up or committing to a spiritual practice, such as praying the Lord’s Prayer each morning, or giving thanks to God for the day each evening. There are often courses and Bible studies to take part in too. Our Lenten resolutions don’t have to be complicated and it’s better to set a realistic goal rather than be too ambitious and then feel we’ve let ourselves – and God – down.

I’ll be back again in a month’s time when Lent will be well and truly underway, so let’s pray in the meantime that God gives each one of us the grace to keep a holy Lent.

And if you would like any pointers as to what you might choose to do this Lent, please catch me over coffee on Sunday.

With best wishes,


Nicola Stanley, Canon Pastor and Vice Dean, Bristol Cathedral