Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter's Lawrence Weston
Ridingleaze Lawrence Weston, BS11 0QE, United Kingdom

Sometimes Holy Communion, sometimes Morning Prayer, with liturgy, songs and hymns. Occasionally an informal service, led by a Small Group. Check the website for details of a particular date.

No service on Christmas Day. All Age Worship Joint Service at St Andrew's Avonmouth, 10.15 am

St Peter's Lawrence Weston

Service on Sundays at 10.15 am

We are a small, friendly Church of England church.

Everyone is welcome.

Refreshments served after the service.

Get in touch

St Andrew's and St Peter's Church Office,
BS11 0QE

Angie Ball, Benefice Administrator
(0117) 3258720

Our website

What's on

Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter's Lawrence Weston
Ridingleaze Lawrence Weston, BS11 0QE, United Kingdom

Sometimes Holy Communion, sometimes Morning Prayer, with liturgy, songs and hymns. Occasionally an informal service, led by a Small Group. Check the website for details of a particular date.

No service on Christmas Day. All Age Worship Joint Service at St Andrew's Avonmouth, 10.15 am