Greetings from Revd Diane

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

BIBLE READINGS for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4.5-12
Psalm 23
1 John 3.16-24
John 10.11-18

Dear Friends,

The apostle John is depicted in Eastern Christian art as an old man. His words radiate the wisdom of years. He himself witnessed to Jesus’ love in action at first hand He has seen, heard and touched the Word of life (1 John 1.1). John wrote the words we find at 1 John 3:18 as a wise and gentle pastor to his flock, the early church. He cares for them just like his friend and teacher Jesus would. Calling them “Little children” is not meant to belittle, but to underscore his role as their mentor. He hopes his message will give them the courage they need to put love into action and to speak and follow the truth.

Words and speeches are in abundance in the run up to our elections for local councillors and an Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner. There have been flyers through doors and conversations with candidates on our doorsteps. In order to vote wisely, it is good to find out as much as we can. The colour of the rosette they wear is not as important as the experience and commitment they offer. Is this person the most likely to make the wards of Eastville and Fromevale safer, happier, more pleasant and friendly neighbourhoods to live in? What do their actions tell you about their commitment to the wellbeing of residents? Do they make a point of listening to young, middle-aged and older people? Do they know and value faith communities? As Christians we need to discern which of their proposals we consider the most Jesus-shaped. Because with them we will be playing our part in making Fishponds a place where people love their neighbours in truth and action more and more.

The apostle John is not naïve about the cost of being a good neighbour. ‘Laying down our lives’ each day, means taking the time to learn about people’s struggles, letting go of some of what we want, in order that others can receive what they desperately need. Members and volunteers of our churches are at the very heart of this courageous work across all ages.

The great news is that the love of Jesus is open to all. May God help us at St.Mary’s and All Saints to offer open doors and open hearts in welcome. May we use our time and buildings wisely to serve people lovingly, and to worship in the name of Jesus Christ, our living Lord,

Services this Sunday

St Mary’s, 10.00: Sung Eucharist
All Saints, 10.30: Holy Communion with Hymns

Events in the week ahead

Monday 22nd, 10.30, All Saints: Tiny Tots
Tuesday 23rd, 10.30, St.Mary’s: Music for Toddlers
Wednesday 24th, 09.00, All Saints, Celtic Prayers
Thursday 25th, 10.00,St.Mary’s,Holy Communion
Saturday 27th, 12.00, St.Mary’s, Saturday Lunches

Services next Sunday 28th April

08.00, All Saints:Holy Communion
10.00, St.Mary’s, Sung Eucharist
10.30, All Saints, Café Church

COLLECT for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Risen Christ,
faithful shepherd of your Father’s sheep:
teach us to hear your voice
and to follow your command,
that all your people may be gathered into one flock,
to the glory of God the Father.

May our heavenly Father hold us secure in his love,
Jesus our Good Shepherd lead us into new pastures
and the Holy Spirit help us hear God’s voice above the clamour.
In election season and always.

Revd Diane, assistant curate, St Mary and All Saints Fishponds