Choral Evensong†

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at for 45 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Regular evening service Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (subject to change)

As the day begins with Morning Prayer, the day ends with an evening service of prayer and praise, using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer. This is normally sung by the Cathedral Choir and the services lasts about 40 minutes.

When the members of the Cathedral Choir are taking a holiday, Evensong is usually sung by a visiting choir, but occasionally is replaced by Said Evening Prayer.

†Live streamed (subject to change)

Morning Prayer (Matins) - Weekdays

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

In the Jesus Chapel, Eastern Crypt.

Morning Prayer - or Matins - is a service of prayer and praise to begin the day. A simple, said service which lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Daily Holy Communion

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Daily Eucharist in the Cathedral.

In this service, which is also known as the Lord's Supper or the Mass, we give thanks over bread and wine for all that Jesus had done and continues to do for us and remember the meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he died.

Bell Ceremony - A short Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 10 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

In the South East Transept

The bell of HMS Canterbury is rung six times, followed by prayers for all who have died in conflict, and for peace in the world. Then an ex-servicemen or sometimes a serving serviceman, will turn the page in the Book of Life (Buff's Book of Remembrance).

The book lists the names of over 7000 men who died during service after 1914.

The ceremony started in 1926 when the smartest soldier on The Buffs Depot Quarter Guard marched from the barracks to the Cathedral.

Lunchtime Holy Communion - Wednesdays

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Lunchtime Eucharist in the Chapel of Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt.

In this service, which is also known as the Lord's Supper or the Mass, we give thanks over bread and wine for all that Jesus had done and continues to do for us and remember the meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he died.

Said Evening Prayer

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Our regular Thursday evening service (subject to change)

As the day begins with Morning Prayer, the day ends with an evening service of prayer and praise, using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer.

This service takes place in the Cathedral Crypt, comprising of said prayer and lasts about 40 minutes.

Subject to seasonal changes

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and Counsel

Every Friday at for 1 hour
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

A chance to confess ones sins in private to a priest, in The Holy Innocents Chapel, 12:00-13:00 (subject to change around events).

This healing ministry of receiving God's loving forgiveness helps us to make a fresh start in our lives. Through the ministry of the priest we may also receive advice and counsel to help us overcome those sins that draw us away from God.

Outside of these times, Chaplains are always available should you want to speak with them.

Morning Prayer (Matins) - Weekends and Bank Holidays

Every Saturday and Sunday at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

In the Jesus Chapel, Eastern Crypt.

Morning Prayer - or Matins - is a service of prayer and praise to begin the day. A simple, said service which lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Sunday Sung Eucharist†

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

In the Quire.

A celebration of Holy Communion with beautiful hymns and songs, a choir, and usually a sermon.

The service lasts for around an hour and 15 minutes.

†Live streamed (subject to change)

ONLINE BOOK GROUP: The Ladder of Perfection by Walter Hilton (1340-1396)

Tuesday 07 January 2025, Tuesday 14 January 2025, Tuesday 21 January 2025, Tuesday 28 January 2025, Tuesday 04 February 2025, Tuesday 11 February 2025, Tuesday 25 February 2025, Tuesday 04 March 2025, Tuesday 11 March 2025, Tuesday 18 March 2025, Tuesday 25 March 2025 at for 1 hour
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Tuesdays, over 11 weeks (starting 7 January), 20:00 - 21:00 GMT, via Zoom

Walter Hilton is widely regarded as the first among medieval English mystics, and The Ladder provided continuous inspiration since its appearance six centuries ago.

You are invited to join Canon Emma online via Zoom, to reflect and discuss this extraordinary devotional work.

This group is free, but donations are kindly accepted.

Booking essential - Book your space to be sent a Zoom link.

Taizé Lunchtime Prayer

Monday 20 January 2025, Monday 27 January 2025, Monday 03 February 2025, Monday 10 February 2025, Monday 03 March 2025, Monday 10 March 2025, Monday 17 March 2025, Monday 24 March 2025, Monday 31 March 2025 at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

In the Crypt. Mondays, during choir term time (please check dates)

All our welcome to come and experience this way of praying as we connect with God and one another through sound and silence.

The Taizé Community, founded in 1940 with a desire to bring people of different nationalities together, is an ecumenical community in France visited each year by thousands of young people.

The worship of Taizé is based on simple repetitive chants, the reading of scripture and silence.

Children's Church

Sunday 05 January 2025 at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Children's Church runs most Sundays, but please check dates.

As part of our Sunday morning Eucharist we invite children aged 5-11* to join us for from 10.30am in the Community Studio (see schedule), where through story, songs, craft and games we worship together before joining the rest of the church family in the Cathedral for communion.

Registration and refreshments from 10.30am allow time for children to settle before parents/carers head over to the Cathedral returning to pick up children during the Peace.

Children’s Church is free but with a suggested donation of £1 per family to contribute to our running costs.

*Under 5s are welcome to attend Children’s Church, but must be supervised by an adult at all times.

- Sunday 5 January 2025

More dates to be added

Cathedral Carol Services †

Monday 23 December 2024, Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Mon 23 December, 17:30-19:00
Tues 24 December, 17:30-19:00

A major highlight of the Cathedral’s year, our Carol Services feature music by our world-famous Cathedral Choir, and readings to tell the story of the birth of Christ.

† Live streamed

This is a popular service; queues likely. Doors open at 16:30.

Both Carol Services are un-ticketed.

If you require additional arrangements to attend please email [email protected]

Journeys of Healing through Advent: Poetry and Scripture (Online via Zoom)

Thursday 28 November 2024, Thursday 05 December 2024, Thursday 12 December 2024, Thursday 19 December 2024 at for 1 hour
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Thursdays over 4 weeks (28 November-19 December) 20:00-21:00, via Zoom

Dr Tim Naish, our Canon Librarian, will lead a reflection each evening on a poem and passage of scripture, with an opportunity for questioning and group discussion.

The group is free, but any donation you may wish to make to the mission and ministry of the Cathedral will be warmly received.

Booking essential - Book to be sent a zoom link. It will be the same link for every week.

‘Journeying to Christmas’ Reflections

Friday 29 November 2024, Friday 06 December 2024, Friday 13 December 2024, Friday 20 December 2024 at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Fridays (29 November - 20 December), 12:30-13.00 in the Nave

NEW Tea Time Carols

Tuesday 26 November 2024, Tuesday 03 December 2024, Tuesday 10 December 2024, Tuesday 17 December 2024 at for 30 mins
Canterbury Cathedral
The Precincts Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom

Tuesdays (26 November-17 December), 16:00-16:30

Join our Cathedral clergy each week for storytelling and songs at the Crib, as we mark our journey to Christmas.

Aimed at young children, parents, and carers, but all those young of heart are very welcome to attend.