Did you hear the bells?

Church_news From_the_Vicar

The bells are ringing again

On Easter Sunday morning, the bells of St Nicholas Church could be heard in Thanington for the first time since the covid pandemic began. And after a lot of hard work cleaning the bell tower, the bells will start ringing again each week.

I wonder if you heard the bells?  I wonder what that sound means to you? Perhaps it brings back memories. Perhaps it makes a connection with the past. Perhaps it reminds you that the church is still here for the people of Thanington now.

Of course, there was a time when ringing church bells were the latest technology, a new way to send out the message to everybody in the surrounding area, sending a simple message: "It's time to gather for worship". And, for at least one person I met on Easter Sunday, it was the sound of the church bells that encouraged them to come to church. 

Bells could sometimes be a warning of danger (like the old fire engine bells). But the ringing of bells could also be a celebration of good news - wedding bells for example.

When you hear the bells in Thanington on Sunday morning, I hope it will remind you of three things:

1. the church is here for you

2. the heart of the Christian faith is good news of God's love for us all

3. you are invited and you are welcome at St Nicholas Church.

Bell-ringing restarts this summer. The bell-ringers practice on Tuesday evenings and then ring on Sunday mornings before the church service. If you are interested, click on "Get in touch" and send us a message.