Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture:

“Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8 v 7)

Daily Reflection:

A woman caught in adultery is brought before the Pharisees, the religious leaders of the city. “Moses commanded us to stone her for her sin, what do you say we should do with her?” they ask Jesus. The verse above is Jesus’ answer.

We would do well to remember that none of us are perfect. At times in our lives we have all hurt someone with our words or our behaviour, whether we meant to or not. Therefore we have “sinned”. How do we react when someone hurts us? Do we “throw stones”, and let our thoughts and behaviour spill over into judgement and unkindness? The Pharisees, hearing Jesus words, could not justify throwing any stones, and went away. No human being could condemn the woman. Neither did Jesus. Our ever-loving, ever-forgiving Father asks us to remember Jesus’ response today. Next time someone hurts you, speak to God about it before you react. You will bless someone in the process, and God will bless you in unexpected ways.

Vicki Young