Reflection – Sunday 17th March - and for the week ahead: Passiontide

Notices From_the_Vicar


Jesus said ‘Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say – “Father, save me from this hour?” No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour.’ (John 12.27)


Thank heaven for all the instances of self-sacrifice which have led to saved lives. There are many who have given their lives to rescue others and many who risk their lives every day to keep others safe. They are heroes and an inspiration. And so are those who face threats, persecution, rigged trials and death for the sake of their integrity and principles of truth and justice.

Jesus, the carpenter’s boy from Nazareth, came to be called the Saviour of the World not because he died averting physical danger, but because he would not compromise his message. He saw clearly that he would face death and faced the knowledge that there was no escape except by denying what he knew to be The Truth. They hoped that by his death he would be suppressed; but The Truth will out.

David Harmsworth