June Musings by Curate Christina Westwell

Dear friends,

I can order a hot chocolate with cream in German with such a degree of accuracy and fluency that people assume I am confident continuing the conversation. I am not. That’s about the limit of my German other than the usual greetings and offering thanks. My Italian is the same. If you need a coffee or pizza ordering I am your girl but if you are seeking a deep conversation then not so much. I can however tell you I love you or that you are very beautiful. So if you need that saying at anytime, in French, Italian or German, then phone me.

We have just celebrated another of my favourite celebrations of the Church -Pentecost. Take the time to read Acts 2. The Spirit comes, with the rush of wind and tongues of fire. The people that were huddled in that Upper Room were totally transformed. They began to speak in different languages so that all the visitors in Jerusalem heard the Good News in their own language.

Peter addressed the crowd, he explained what Jesus had done and gave people the chance to respond and that day 3000 were baptised. The believers lived in community together, they sold their possessions to give to the poor, they prayed and spent time together and ate with glad and generous hearts. They had the goodwill of the people. They spoke of Jesus but they also lived as Jesus had thought them, loving God and their neighbour.

In Genesis 11 there is the story of the Tower of Babel. At that time the whole earth had the same language. They so wanted a name for themselves that they wanted to build a tower to touch the heavens, so God confused their languages. At Pentecost, through the power of the Holy Spirit that was reversed.

In my 20’s I went to Senegal and saw the fabulous work of Wycliffe Bible Translators. We take for granted reading the Bible in our own language, but it was mind blowing seeing people reading the Bible in their own language for the first time.

Whenever I hear people disparaging other nations or races, I feel my heart constrict. Whenever I hear of decisions that negatively affect sections of our society, it constricts further. What I feel is only a tiny fraction of how much it grieves God. We are all, throughout the world, created and loved by God. We are all inhabiting the same beautiful planet, but seem to take so little time getting to know people who are different to us. We seem very willing to distrust people who are different to us.

Building communities means getting to know other people better. During telephone conversations I have learn amazing facts about people. Take this opportunity during lockdown to build community albeit from a distance. Take time to really talk to someone you don’t know well. All the ministry team are available to talk about anything and pray for any situation. I love talking about the Big Questions but I am equally happy talking about our cat or my current reading passions or my most recent gardening disaster.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses…to the end of the world.”

May we be witnessed wherever we are.

As St Francis said “Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words.”

We don’t need to be able to preach like St Peter, if people can see the difference Christ makes in our lives through how we are in our love for God and others.

Stay Safe as you are incredibly precious to God and to us

Christina x