November 2020 Musings by Curate Christina Westwell

Dear friends

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory,” wise words indeed from the incomparable Dr Seuss.

During October I banned myself from reading any fiction. I have so many non- fiction books on my “to be read” pile that I needed to take drastic action. It`s hard. My reading matter at the moment relates to grief journeys and dementia!

My Aunt has dementia so I condensed about 40 photograph albums into one large memory book and it was incredible to see how that unlocked some of my Aunt`s memories when we were able to see her. I want the people who are caring for her to know what she was like and the adventures that she had.

We can have memories of people, events, and places. How often do you hear a piece of music and it immediately unlocks a memory? Memories are so important in helping us develop a sense of identity and belonging.

On the 1 st November we have our “All Souls” service when we particularly remember those we have loved and no longer see and perhaps on that day we will share memories that will make us laugh and cry in equal measure and it is good to remember and share those stories.

On the 8th November we have Remembrance Sunday where we remember all those who have died in war, preserving our freedom. “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”

Both our services at All Souls and Remembrance will be different during COVID but we can still remember in a myriad of ways.

In the Bible Moses told the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land to always remember God`s faithfulness.

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">On the cross one of the thieves asked Jesus to remember him. Each time we have communion, “Do this in remembrance of me”, we remember the life, death and resurrection of Christ.</span>

No matter how we are feeling at the moment we need to remember that God will never forget us. He has each of our names tattooed on the palms of his hands. Our memories of God`s faithfulness can be a welcome lifeboat in dark times. .

So continue to make memories and keep remembering that God is with you always.

Love Christina