Associate Minister Rev Christina Westwell

Dear friends

I don`t know how you refer to God, In Isaiah we read “ And his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

At Christmas we read this passage but we see God in a very different light. God came to us as a fragile, vulnerable baby. He became vulnerable, risking everything by becoming human like us. God came to us as a fragile child so that he could share in all our weaknesses and struggles. Jesus grew up and lived in a country subject to occupation, turmoil and uncertainty. He was part of a family, worked as a carpenter, knew what it was like to suffer loss. He experienced unfairness and injustice. He was a refugee and was treated with suspicion and contempt. God did not judge and condemn us from afar but became one of us – Emmanuel.

God is right here alongside us in all the messiness of life.

Nadia Bolz Weber wrote “God did not enter the world of our nostalgic, silent night, snow blanketed, peace on earth, suspended reality of Christmas. God slipped into the vulnerability of skin and entered our violent and disturbing world” There are glad tidings of great joy - even in our violent and disturbing world.

Join us in our Advent services as we prepare for Jesus` birth and then come and listen again to the Christmas story, get alongside Zechariah and Elizabeth as they learn they will have a baby, travel to Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph, sit on the hillside with the shepherds as they are stunned by the angels, join the Wise men, immerse yourselves in the story, take time to reflect , don`t be like the Inn keeper who had no time for stars and be prepared to greet the Christ child.

Then ask yourself what this will mean to you,

The Theme for the Church of England this Year is “At the heart of Christmas.” What is at the heart of your Christmas?

A light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it, As Christians we are called to be lights in the world however dark that world may be. Each of us can make a difference in so many ways bringing light and hope..

On behalf of Alec and the Ministry Team I wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas.

Love Christina