Associate Minister Rev Christina Westwell

Dear friends

I waited anxiously for Dave to phone me. I had been feeling nervous all morning. Our house was being inspected by Cheshire West to see if it would be appropriate to house a family from Ukraine. The problem was the family had already moved in! Our house, built in 1814 would be described by an estate agent as “full of character!!” We had been asked to sponsor a lovely Ukrainian lady and her 12 year old daughter who had arrived in Northwich but the original placement was not working. Could we help? This was the Sunday, we met Ira and Liza on the Tuesday and they moved in on the Thursday. I was so anxious that our house was not good enough but I quickly realised that this was not important.

What was important was the welcome, the acceptance and for them to feel safe and cared for. If we had waited until I felt our house was ready, then it probably would never have happened. The past six weeks have been amazing. Dmytro (husband and dad) joined us 3 weeks ago and I love our new extended family.

The experience has made me reflect on so much, I read a great article on “scruffy hospitality” by Father Jack King an Anglican Priest from Knoxville USA he defined this as “Scruffy hospitality means you`re not waiting for everything in your house to be in order before you host and serve friends in your home. Scruffy hospitality means you hunger more for good conversation and serving a simple meal of what you have- not what you don`t have. “

Authenticity is the key. Community is more important than tidiness. Making memories is more important that a 6 course Jamie Oliver extravaganza. In the last 2 years we have missed having that shared time round a table. Why not make up for lost time?

“Hospitality ” writes Father Jack” is not a house inspection, it`s friendship” I know myself that worrying about how our house looks holds me back from issuing that invitation – perhaps even pride. Being hospitable is the desire to share God`s love with other people through practical action. It has been described as the Golden thread running through the Bible. Hebrews 13.2 is one of my favourite Bible verses “ Don`t forget to show hospitality to strangers for in doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it” Sometimes in life you just have to go for it – you may never feel ready – chatting to that person about faith, leading prayers in church, visiting someone who is sick – whatever you do, however you feel, God is right next to you.

Love, prayers and blessings
