Associate Minister Rev Christina Westwell January 2023

Dear friends,

I read an article by the Council on Foreign Relations who listed the 10 most significant world events in 2022. The turmoil in our political landscape was 10th , unrest in Pakistan, humanitarian crises, protests in Iran, increased inflation, intensification in climate change, tensions between the US and China and the invasion of Ukraine – the only positive news item was the reduction in Covid cases. The world can seem incredibly bleak. We continue to pray because sometimes being able to do things to make a difference seem incredibly hard.

For my well being, I continue to seek out and embrace moments of joy. Being part of the Community at St Mary`s provides me with many of these. Sometimes being inside the building and seeing the light filter through the stained glass is enough. The procession at Candlemas is another joy filled moment for me, the celebration of God working through two incredibly old people Simeon and Anna. We started Forest Church in April and this gives me much joy as we build a community of people who enjoy spending time together exploring the outdoors and our connection with God, When I was licensed as Associate minister in May I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love at that service The many weddings and baptisms we have in church, ensure that the walls are joy soaked. The trip to Oxford, the summer garden party, the Harvest Torch Event at the Ice Cream Farm were all joyous moments, together with our Pet Blessing Service and Rogation Walk with Bishop Sam. There are so many moments I could include.

It is great to look back but it is also vital that we look forward. Bishop Mark wants to develop a Vision and a Strategy for our Diocese and he is “casting the net wide” to seek out views of many different people of different ages and backgrounds. He wants us to stop and to consider what it is that God is calling us to do, how can we be the best news we can be in our communities? The church exists to proclaim the good news of the kingdom and to increase followers of Jesus. We can look at how our faith connects with our everyday lives. There are more details and a questionnaire if you would like to engage directly at There will be more details coming soon. At the same time we could look at our vision at St Mary`s. Is there anything you feel we should be doing? We would love to become an Eco Church – perhaps this is something you may be interested in helping. We could use our building in different ways, speak out more on global/local issues. We would value any ideas and feedback ensuring that we always look upwards to God and outwards to others.

This year was marked by the death of the Queen who had an incalculable influence on each of us – so I will leave you with her words.

“Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings and to put my trust in God. I know just how much I rely on my own faith to guide me through the good times and the bad.”

My prayer for each of you is that 2023 is full of love and joy and moments that make life memorable, that you have moments of awe and wonder, that each of you are kind to yourselves, realising that you are loved by God more that you will ever know.

Love Christina