for 1 hour
Eastern Green - St. Andrew
Church Lane Eastern Green Coventry, CV5 7BX, United Kingdom

Notice is herby given of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, this will take place on 29th April 2024 at 7.30pm in church. At this meeting representatives for the PCC, and Deanery synod will be elected, along with churchwardens. Nomination forms are at the back of church, if you are interested in finding out more please do speak to Jo. Please do come along to the meeting to find out more about the life and work of the church.

Eastern Green - St. Andrew

Who are we: - St Andrews Church is a church that welcomes all comers whether this is your first time or thousandth time in church. You are welcome whatever your age, gender, marital status, disability, race or sexuality. You are welcome whether you have a deep and mature faith in Christ; are uncertain and still seeking; or have no faith. We are the church for the people of Eastern Green, Allesley Green and Pickford Green.

Our values: Our values are centred on those of our Lord. We look to minister and serve in faith, love, compassion, and forgiveness. While living out our faith with humour and joy.’

Get in touch

Rev Jo Joyce

St Andrew's Church
Eastern Green

Joanna Joyce - Vicar
07588 576351
Julie Crow - Administrator
07756 918847

Our website

What's on


for 1 hour
Eastern Green - St. Andrew
Church Lane Eastern Green Coventry, CV5 7BX, United Kingdom

Notice is herby given of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, this will take place on 29th April 2024 at 7.30pm in church. At this meeting representatives for the PCC, and Deanery synod will be elected, along with churchwardens. Nomination forms are at the back of church, if you are interested in finding out more please do speak to Jo. Please do come along to the meeting to find out more about the life and work of the church.