Morning Prayer

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
Sinfin Moor Church
Arleston Lane Sinfin Moor Derby, DE24 3DH, United Kingdom

As a spiritual practice we are gathering for a short time of prayer using some material produced by the Northumbria Community. We begin and end with set prayers, have some readings from the bible and a series of readings from Celtic saints, a meditation and an opportunity for silent or informal prayer for others and the world.
If you would like to join us we will be meeting 10:00am in the Welcome Area at the Church Centre every Thursday

Holy Communion Service

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Sinfin Moor Church
Arleston Lane Sinfin Moor Derby, DE24 3DH, United Kingdom

You are welcome to come and join our Holy Communion services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
We are an Ecumenical Church and vary our Holy Communion Services to reflect the traditions of the Methodist, Church of England and United Reformed Churches.

Morning Worship

Every Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Sinfin Moor Church
Arleston Lane Sinfin Moor Derby, DE24 3DH, United Kingdom

You are welcome to come and join our Sunday morning worship at the Church Centre.

Heath Court Service

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 1 hour
Heath Court
Heath Court, Grampian Way, Sinfin, Derby, DE24 9NG, United Kingdom

All are welcome to a time of worship together at Heath Court where we celebrate with song, hear from the Bible, pray and enjoy our faith together as part of this community in Sinfin Moor.

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