Bright and Colourful Angel Wings tell a story of our Parish

A3_Feathers_to_colour_-_various_sizes_xZ6VnC2.pdf Download
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Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Advent christmas

Children, parents, carers, grandparents and childminders enjoyed putting their own style on to  feathers of different sizes. When the October Half Term holiday was over we kept on colouring in with members of our congregations across the four churches, Messy Church, our local youth club, visitors to the Places of Welcome+ Drop-Ins, now Warm Spaces too. We took feathers out to people who could not get to church, and one lady recovering in a care home, while other people took copies home for their grandchildren to colour and be part of the project. The end result brought a smile to faces at St. Peter's Outdoor Carol Service on Sunday night, and they will move to St. John the Baptist's next Sunday for the Christingle Service at 4 pm, and on to St. Simon's for their  Christmas Eve Crib Service at 4 pm before returning to St. Peter's.

'We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who got involved!' said Revd Lesley Jones, Rector of the parish. 'There's something about people of all ages making their mark, offering something of their own style and favourite colours, that means when all of the pieces come together it gives us something quite wonderful... and this speaks of everyone being welcome and able to be themselves, so it sounds like there is probably a sermon in all of this.'

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And if you would like to make your oiwn  set of angel wings a template with feathers is also attached.