Holy Week and Easter services

Lent Easter

Palm Sunday (24th March) services are in Dullingham (10:30 am Holy Communion) and Stetchworth (3pm Evening Prayer)

Monday to Wednesday (25th - 27th March) in Holy Week there will be a service of Compline at 7pm at St. Mary's Dullingham, with a service of Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday (28th).

A service is held jointly with Stetchworth URC at St. Peter's Stetchworth at 7pm on Good Friday (29th March).

The Benefice Communion on Easter Sunday (31st March) is celebrated at 10:30 am at St. Mary the Less, Westley Waterless; there is also a lay-led family service for Easter Sunday at 10:30 at St. Augustine's Burrough Green.