The Bishop Came to Friday Bridge

Church_news Advent

On Sunday 18th December 2022 at 10.30am we were blessed by the presence of the Bishop of Ely to lead our worship. We are currently in a vacancy and have to try to find clergy to lead us on the third Sunday of each month, which is selected as the day on which our church has a service within the Benefice of the Fen Orchards. This Sunday was kindly chosen by the Bishop to come along and lead us. We had recently decorated the church for Christmas and the children from Friday Bridge School had come along, decorated the tree and then, as part of a nativity activity, they had filled the crib with the figures of Mary and Joseph, shepherds and lots and lots of sheep - oh and one donkey! The wise men were there, but outside the crib as they don't arrive until later. Next to the crib our Advent Ring was ready for the Bishop to light the fourth candle, as it was the fourth Sunday of Advent. After lighting the candle and saying a lovely prayer the Bishop then blessed the crib, which will be repopulated on Saturday 24th December as part of our service at 4pm. We were also fortunate enough to have the choir, who provided a wonderful lead in our Advent hymns and sang beautifully during the taking of communion. With the church sparkling and twinkling and the Bishop wearing his full mitre and cope and carrying his staff he was a most impressive figure. Take a look at the picture here and on our facebook page. He stayed and chatted with churchgoers after the service, which pleased everyone and he was rewarded with a small silver Christmas tree that the children had left as a present for him. All in all, it was a fantastic day and we hope we will be able to repeat it some day. He is a very busy man with responsibilities not only for the Diocese of Ely, but also for Lincoln, who are without a Bishop at present and so our dear Bishop has to fill in. He wished us all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year, which we pass on to everyone!