News from St Andrew's

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On Saturday 6th April St Andrew’s Church, Cranwell held their monthly coffee morning which was well attended, and it was lovely to see quite a few new faces, with raffle and home-made cakes as usual. We welcomed back Mark from Sleaford Museum with his ever-popular Mystery Location game. The Coffee morning in May will be on Saturday 4th May where there will be the usual charity stall to support.

Easter weekend saw the as always beautiful flower arrangements appear in our lovely little Church, so much hard work by a very talented team of ladies from the village.

Advance Notice: on Saturday 22nd June, Cranwell PCC will be holding a fundraising stall at the Cranwell Summer Extravaganza being held in the Village Hall. The event includes a number of craft, charity and fundraising stalls, competitions and refreshments. Watch out for further details, everyone welcome.