Bank Holiday Monday. Morning Prayer Cancelled


Today we pray in our Benefice for

For families and friends to enjoy the Bank Holiday together

In our Diocese we are asked to pray for

Boston – The Revd Sall Clifton 

The Diocese of Etche – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)


Our scripture readings for today are;

Psalms 1,2 and 3

Joshua 7:1-15

Luke 10:25-37

Should you wish to follow the form of Morning Prayer that we use in Church each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, you can find it at the following address;

Wednesday’s there is a service of Holy Communion in All Saints Church. Come and join us.

We continue to pray each day.
For Events, People and Businesses around the North Lafford Benefice. This includes our sister churches in Anwick, Cranwell, Evedon and Leasingham.
We pray for the wider Communities in both our Diocese and abroad.

Pray for one and another, proclaiming Jesus in all we do and say today. Amen