Toddler Group

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Mary's, Cadishead
Penry Avenue Cadishead Manchester, M44 5ZE, United Kingdom

The toddler group is open to all babies / pre-school toddlers / mums / carers.
We have a session every Tuesday during term time from 9.15am for 2 hours.
Each session costs £2 which includes a child’s snack.
We have a play session and a sing-a-long after the snack.
Newcomers very welcome. If you should wish to ask any questions about the above,
please do not hesitate to contact Melda on 0161 7756553

School Term-Time only

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's, Cadishead
Penry Avenue Cadishead Manchester, M44 5ZE, United Kingdom

Suitable for all ages, with hymns and worship songs, bible readings, prayer and interesting talks. There is Sunday School that meets most weeks during the morning service.
There are always refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall.

Holy Communion on alternate weeks (2nd and 4th Sundays)