Update on Church Repairs

Works to East Wall and Window

The grant works continue and as a result of major scaffolding and protection works we have had to close St Anne’s for the past three weeks. These works are well advanced and we did intend to reopen with a fully cleared church for Advent Sunday - December 3rd.

However, we have had some setbacks in that the lime plaster is taking longer to set on the east wall due to freezing temperatures. This prevents the skim coat from being applied until it is fully set and obviously decorations cannot be applied until it’s all fully dried out.

Furthermore, we have found some serious roof leaks that we weren’t aware of and we have had to deal with these whilst the scaffold is in place. Therefore everything has had to be put back a couple of days.

We still intend to reopen the church for this Sunday December 3rd but unfortunately there will be scaffold up at the far end until works are complete.

The funeral of John Daulman will also take place the day after on Dec 4th. The rest of the church will be fully cleared and cleaned in order to allow the two services to take place. Any help to clear the church on Saturday morning December 2nd would be very welcome.

On Wednesday December 6th the internal scaffold will be taken down so we have agreed to hold the service at St James’ again to allow scaffolders free access. The external scaffold will be removed at the end of next week.

Stephen Hobson

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