Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St James
St James, Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

A reflective, said service following the Church of England's traditional pattern, in contemporary language. A short talk is normally included in this service.

Parish Worship

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St James
Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

This is our main Sunday worship service. It may be a Service of the Word, or Holy Communion - please refer to our website Calendar page for the latest details.

Mid-week Parish Worship

Every Wednesday at for 29 mins
St James
Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

Often a reflective service of Holy Communion in contemporary language, gathered around the Lord's Table in the nave of our beautiful church. We sometimes hold alternative services for special occasions, or simply to vary our worship. We meet together afterwards in the Church Cottage next door for coffee.

Quiet Evening Prayer online

Every Wednesday at for 29 mins
St James

A time of reflection led by different members of our congregations; ending with a short time of shared prayer using the Northumbria Community's version of Compline. Please check the current Parish Magazine to see whether we are online or in church. You can download the words from this website (click the link)

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'Churches Together in Riding Mill' Christmas Carol Service

for 40 mins
Riding Mill Parish Hall
Riding Mill Parish Hall, Riding Mill Parish Hall, Millfield Road, Northumberland, NE44 6DJ, United Kingdom

Our traditional carol singing event is held outside the Parish Hall and is open to all members of the community to come and enjoy the taste and sound of Christmas cheer.

"Blue Christmas" - The Longest Night Service

for 1 hour
St James
St James, Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

We gather on this longest night of the year, to acknowledge that during the Christmas and New Year season, many of us are experiencing pain and sadness because of our life’s circumstances. Grief, loss, serious illness, financial troubles, family dysfunction – all can be magnified at this time of year and make us feel very alone. Yet, we don’t have to be alone in our darkness tonight. We are here together. And we can honestly be here, for God has promised to welcome us just as we are.

Our service this evening will consist of readings, music, prayer, and the symbols of light and darkness. We have intentionally designed it so that nothing is required of you; participate according to your own comfort level.

May you be refreshed and strengthened though this service. May it help you find comfort and peace.

Rev'd Diana

Candle-lit Carol Service at St James'

for 1 hour
St James
St James, Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

Join us for our traditional, candle-lit and choir-led festival of lessons and carols. Everyone in Riding Mill is welcome to join together for this community event. It's a beautiful place to be as we look forward to the Christmas season.

Riding Mill's Crib and Christingle Service

for 45 mins
St James
Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

All the traditional events for all ages will be happening this year, we trust; so think carols, communions, choirs, cribs and Christingles. The cribs and Christingles are being rolled into one on Christmas Eve, when there will be an hour of joy as we teeter on the edge of constructive child-like chaos and get into the mood – so put it in your child’s Christmas plan now: “Cribs and Christingles at 3pm, in the Church.”

Early Christmas Day Breakfast Communion at 8am

for 30 mins
Church Cottage (Next door to St James's Church)
Church Cottage (Next door to St James's Church), Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

Our regular early congregation will welcome people who want to share Communion to welcome the Christ-child on the 25th - on Christmas Day. So if you are an early riser (and many are on Christmas morning), or if you need to be back home to create a Christmas Dinner, or maybe you want a more reflective form of service (or for any reason, really) - simply turn up at the Church Cottage.

Lord Jesus, Light of light,
you have come among us.
Help us who live by your light
to shine as lights in your world.
Glory to God in the highest.

Christmas Day 10am Family Communion at St James'

for 1 hour
St James
St James, Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

This is our main Communion service on Christmas morning, suitable for all ages.
Feel free to bring your presents along; free to wear your Christmas jumper; or free to dress formally. On this joyful morning, it's the welcome we give to one another, and to the Christ-child, that will count.

Lord Jesus, Light of light,
you have come among us.
Help us who live by your light
to shine as lights in your world.
Glory to God in the highest.

Our Second Sunday contemplative worship ("Taizé") service

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Lane Riding Mill Northumberland, NE44 6AT, United Kingdom

We will start at 7.30pm, the better to accommodate those involved with family meals.

We come together in Riding Mill to listen, to pray and to sing reflectively, in the Taizé Community style.
The community in France includes people and traditions from around the world, with an emphasis on youth. The music and prayers are sung in many languages, and include chants from the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions. The music emphasizes simple phrases, usually lines from Psalms or other pieces of Scripture, repeated and sometimes also sung in canon. You can find out more about the ecumenical Taizé community and their style of worship at www.taize.fr/en.
Come early to help set up the candles...

(Image by Surfnico - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25243958)