Sad Announcement

Friends may be aware that Anne Mortimer has been poorly and in hospital for the past week or so.

It’s so very sad to say that she died on Sunday 10 April 2022 during the mid-morning in NGH, and whilst Graham was called in, she had passed by the time he got there.
I know the affection in which both Anne and Graham are held in our church, parish, community and beyond, and was in touch with Graham and his family through the day and the weeks before.
Revd Andrea was with the family on Sunday, supporting them and praying with them, and they are now working through all the things that follow a death in the family, and setting funeral arrangements which will be announced when confirmed. 
The PCC is deeply shocked and saddened by this news. Our thoughts and prayers for Anne and Graham will be all the more powerful as we move through Holy Week and into Easter where we experience suffering and pain before the promise of the great Easter message of resurrection which brings solace to so many of us.
May Anne now rest in peace, free from suffering, and rise in glory
SAM DOBBSChurchwardenSt Andrew’s, Harlestone