Starting Lent in Lockdown but with Hope we can soon gather for Worship in Church

I hope that all is well with you. In various conversations it is fair to say that many of us have found this lockdown more challenging than the previous ones.

There is a sense of weariness and frustration – a ‘greyness’ which is reflected by the weather. We do seem to be edging towards a moment when we can all take another step on our journey and perhaps return to meeting together for worship in church.

There are signs of hope and life around us – even in the Vicarage garden where the snowdrops are being joined by the crocuses and even one or two early daffodils. But these plants are fragile and tender and need to be treated carefully – as we all will need to be careful as we take tender and fragile steps forwards. We hope that you will all continue to look after yourselves and one another. As a Parish we continue to seek to ensure that we are in contact with as many of you as possible in as many ways as possible as we continue to seek to be with God, one another and all round us.