Step into the Light: progress update

Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar

Less progress than planned occurred in the period since January 24 due to the presence of asbestos being recorded in an underfloor area at the front of the nave. This area only became available for inspection when the church building was vacated at the beginning of January. After a 2 week mandatory standdown, it is planned for the asbestos to be fully removed starting in week commencing 26 February with a two week duration.

However good progress has been made in removal of the pews, the organ, rood screen and choir vestry cupboards as well as uncovering an existing opening between the nave and the former organ chamber. All this work is necessary to enable the actual construction phase and has gone without hitch.

With asbestos removal starting and to be followed by the building works ramping up, the pathway between Church Lane and Vicarage Lane will be closed for pedestrian access until November 24. The pathway between the Lych Gate on Vicarage Lane and First Steps nursery located in Dore Old School will remain open to form safe access for children and parents visiting First Steps. General access to the churchyard by members of the public will be allowed at the weekends and public holidays only (i.e. when the Contractor will not be working). These arrangements will be kept under review and may be subject to change depending on the work being carried out and the feedback we get.