ST Edwin's Dunscroft is now closed for all services and events

The existing Dunscroft congregation for several reasons took the decision to join with St Lawrence Hatfield and residents in the Parish of Dunscroft are very welcome to do so as well and use Hatfield Church as their own parish church to attend services and events, and to book baptisms, wedding and funerals.  We are currently holding a service on Sunday at 10.00 and, as we are trying to stay as Covid safe as possible, we are initially limiting numbers to 30.  We are also operating a booking system by emailing [email protected] or ringing 01302 459110, leaving a message if there is no answer together with your name and a contact number for tracking and tracing purposes. 

We have a Facebook Page (Hatfield St Lawrence), a calendar of services and events on the Hatfield St Lawrence  A Church Near You  page, and we can be contacted by sending a message from this page, by sending an email to [email protected] or ringing Revd Liz on 01302 459110.  Please don't hesitate to  get in touch!