Latest Notices from St John's

APCM: This year’s APCM takes place on Sunday, 14th April, after the 10am service. If you are interested in joining the PCC, we have 12 places available. We will also be electing Church Wardens. Nomination forms are at the back of church.

In order to be a PCC Trustee, you must have been on the Church Electoral Roll for at least 6 months. All elected PCC Trustees must undertake safeguarding training and a DBS check.

Eco Corner: In the last Eco corner for March we look at Fairly traded as part of the acronym LOAF – Locally produced, Organically grown, Animal friendly and Fairly traded. As part of social justice, trading fairly helps ensure fair payment for providers. We can think about this if we are preparing food in or for church, or when we’re at home. Farmers in developing countries are also supported by fair trade (a quarter of all workers in Fairtrade are women).

Easter Lilies: Donations of lilies for Easter would be very welcome. Please see Pauline Wheelhouse.

Good Friday, 10am Walking with Jesus: A short service for children in Holy Week: Come and join us as we think about following Jesus. This will be a simple half hour service followed by Hot Cross Buns! All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Easter Day 10am: Don't forget to bring something noisy to this service (bells, whistles, shakers, tambourines, horns etc) so we can celebrate in style!

Stitch and Meditate are meeting each 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, 10-1 in church. Bring a craft or any form of activity, there will be plenty of cake and refreshments provided. The next session will be on 13th April, would be lovely to see you there.

Kneelers: We currently have a surplus of padded kneelers. If anyone would like to rehome one (or more!) of these, please speak to one of the Church Wardens.

THANK YOU! We have received a number of generous, anonymous, donations over the past few months and we wanted to show our enormous gratitude for these. If you are in a position to give a one off, or regular, donation, please speak to Kaye Ford 9167806.

Parish Office: Please note that Kathryn will be on annual leave w/c 1st April. If you have any notices for the Sunday affected, or other jobs to be done, please let her know before Thursday 28th March. Many thanks.