Youth group

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's
St Paul's Hill Winchester, SO22 5AB, United Kingdom

Youth Group – Third Sunday of the month, 5.30 – 7 pm

All children in school years 3-6 and 7 -11 are welcome at our Youth Group where we play games, enjoy each other’s company, have a cooked tea and have fun! £2 suggested donation per child.

St Paul's

We are an inclusive, welcoming and vibrant Anglican parish for all ages, situated in the heart of Winchester in a lovely part of southern Britain. We are committed to serving the community both locally and beyond. We want to be radical in demonstrating that the root of all we seek to be, and do, is found in the love of God.

The Book of Common Worship is used at our vibrant 9.30 am Sunday Holy Communion, which welcomes people of all ages. Families with children and young people are well provided for, with lots of different activities and opportunities to be part of the worship. We would be delighted if you would like to join us one Sunday.

The St Paul’s site is home to the St Paul’s Pre-school and Friday toddler group, and often concerts and other events take place.

Get in touch

Parish Administrator

Parish Office,
St Paul's Church,
St Paul's Hill,

SO22 5AB

Our website

What's on

Youth group

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's
St Paul's Hill Winchester, SO22 5AB, United Kingdom

Youth Group – Third Sunday of the month, 5.30 – 7 pm

All children in school years 3-6 and 7 -11 are welcome at our Youth Group where we play games, enjoy each other’s company, have a cooked tea and have fun! £2 suggested donation per child.


The Parish of St Matthew with St Paul is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our church community. The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Revd Prof. Liz Stuart, 07754 687530, [email protected]. Please discuss any urgent issues by telephone.

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St Paul's Charity No. 1133040