Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Notices

The archbishops have issued new advice on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As a result, we are making changes to our advice. The following applies with immediate effect until further notice.

The use of the common chalice at Communion is suspended. The priest alone will consume the consecrated wine. All others will receive in one kind only, that is will take only the bread.

At services of Morning Prayer on Sundays, along with all other non-Eucharistic services, the Peace is suspended completely and will not be included in the service. It serves no liturgical purpose in these services and can therefore legitimately be removed.

The Peace does serve an important liturgical function in the Eucharist and will continue to be included in the service. However, we ask that you stay in your place and simply acknowledge those immediately around you in a way not involving physical contact. (Clearly we do not wish to dictate to partners and family members, who may continue to share the peace amongst themselves in whatever fashion they desire.)

Please continue to pay attention to government advice on good hygiene and self-isolation as necessary. Above all, please avoid hysteria and panic and respond sensibly in line with the advice of experts.

Phil and Sarah

11 March 2020