Burns Night Supper

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Over 40 poetry (and whisky!) lovers assembled in the Parish Hall on a dark January evening to hear some of Burns wonderful verse whilst enjoying a fantastic three course dinner. The haggis was addressed in fine style by Revd. Pete and Mr. Mel Allan said the Selkirk Grace.

It was lovely to share the evening will so many people, some of whom hadn’t visited St Wilfrid’s before. It is amazing how haggis, neaps and tatties can bring people together! In total £535 was raised for Church funds.

A massive thanks to Pat, Carol, June and Margaret for their splendid efforts in keeping us all fed, watered and entertained.

The Selkirk Grace

“Some hae meat and cannot eat

Some cannot eat and want to

But we hae meat and we can eat

Sae let the Lord be thanks”