Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Benhall, St Mary

This is usually a service of Holy Communion with hymns and a simple sung setting. It is followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments.

The service moves around the Alde River Benefice, and details of the weekly service can be found at

We look forward to welcoming you!

Benhall, St Mary

At Mary's Benhall is open and everyone is welcome

Get in touch

Reverend Bill Sokolis

Assistant Curate
Alde River Benefice

Ann Boulter Church Warden and Parish Administrator
01728 831485

Our website

What's on

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Benhall, St Mary

This is usually a service of Holy Communion with hymns and a simple sung setting. It is followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments.

The service moves around the Alde River Benefice, and details of the weekly service can be found at

We look forward to welcoming you!