Heather's article for April's Village Voice

From the Curate, the Revd Heather Groocock...

After what has been a long, cold and very wet winter, nature is beginning to show signs of Spring – daffodils are in flower in our gardens and road verges, hedges and trees are showing signs of new leaf growth. In our garden, blackbirds have been busily gathering nesting material and taking it into the hedge. In Bempton, where I live, the gannets and other seabirds are returning to the cliffs. Nature, which has seemed dead and cold, especially with the dark nights for the last few months is coming alive again.

When Christians celebrate Easter we remember Jesus coming to life again having been publicly crucified and placed in a grave. From his death and resurrection came new life for us all who believe in his grace and mercy.

There is an Easter hymn, ‘Now the Green Blade Riseth’ which links the theme of grain, which has lain in the ground all winter, and which springs to live as the weather warms up, with Christ’s resurrection, which brings forth again God’s love for us all. The hymn has four short verses, the final line of each is, ‘Love is come again like wheat that springeth green.’

May you all have a joyous and blessed Easter, and with the coming of Spring, remember the new life that is promised to all of us in Christ.

Services in Barmston Church in April:-

Sunday 7th April – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Sunday 14th April – Family Service at 4.00 pm.

Sunday 21st April – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Our weekly services on Sundays at Emmanuel are at 11.00 and are livestreamed on our Facebook page and are available shortly afterwards on YouTube.